Sunday, October 17, 2010

Busy Saturday

I have been looking forward to this weekend for a while. I only had one race, and it was in Verona, so I was able to have some fun on Saturday night for the badger game. I raced at Badger Prairie in Verona, for the WCA #4 cross race. I raced the 3s again, and had a blast, the course was really fast, suited me well. I was able to pull out a win, after making a pass in the barriers about half was through the race. I got a small gap, and just pounded out a mean pace. I put everything I had into the effort, and I guess it paid off, but I really was painful. I ended up sticking around for the cat 1/2/ pro race, and watched my teammates. I was surprised to see my teammate Isaac just take off at the start again, and lead Brian Matter for the first couple of laps. But he thought he might overcook himself. He did, ended up having a tough last half of the race. Our team leader also had a tough race after having two wrecks, he was in pain, and bloodied up pretty good. I should have some sweet pictures soon.
Then I got home to find the house swarming with football fans. I quickly showered and changed, so I could join in the fun. We came up with this fun variation of flip cup, where after drinking and flipping, you have to run and tag your next person. It was a blast. Once the game got underway, some friends and I went upstairs and had a few more drink, then attempted to make our way to a game watching party on Langdon; we made it about half way through the game. As we were watching the game, we had some more shots, sometimes when we would make a big play, sometimes just for the hell of it. But I ended up getting far drunker than I wanted to. I don’t remember a lot, but I am sure I had a lot of fun.
So there are two races next weekend, one in Milwaukee, then back to Madison for Cam Rock Park. I am looking forward to it. I also applied for an upgrade from 3 to 2, so I’ll have to see how that goes. If I get the upgrade, I think I’ll be ok, because a lot of the guys a practice with are 2s and 1s.

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