Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas break…well almost

First off, I am a wizard. If you don’t know what that means, you need to be educated better. Ask me sometime. But in all matters of magic, I am the law.

Ok enough of that silliness. Since last post, I’ve been mostly focusing on studying. In the spare time that I have from that I’ve been getting in a ride here and there, but nothing major. And it’s mostly been speed and interval work. That is with the exception of a few weekend ago. I hadn’t been on a long ride in forever so I decided a nice 4 hour trip to New Glarus would be nice. I invited people from the club to go along but the best I got was a few people to ride out to Belleville with me. So I made the rest of the trek to New Glarus and got some food. I then had a nice ride home. The pace overall was actually pretty fast and it didn’t hurt too badly so I felt good about it. But beyond that it’s been short rides and a lot of running.

Then I went home for Christmas. It was really nice to see the family and just do nothing for a few days. It was a nice break. I ate a lot of cookies though. It really hurt my legs; I seriously almost threw up on my warm up on Saturday. But again, it was good to decompress for a few days before I came bad to Madison and started working.

And that brings me to the ‘well almost’ part (use versus mention..I actually learned something this semester!). I can feel that I am tired; I am burned out a little from the year of riding. I’ve been like that since after Jingle CX. Badger X was sort of a weird thing because I felt tired, but raced well. But now I just feel tired. I can tell that I’m on the verge of what I’m beginning to call Wild’e’coyote-ing. If I’m on the clif right now about to be over the edge of tired, Last year around late spring, I was falling off making whistling noises and then poof! But I’m on the edge of that now. So I’m stuck thinking about what I want to do tonight. Should I ride? Or should I stay in and knock some more off my Winter Break to-do list. That’s exactly what this blog is for, because after re-reading that, I’m staying in.

Note if you're ever confused: This blog is basically me talking to myself, except now once in a while I write down what I say.

So that will be it. I’ll take these next few weeks like any smart bike racer would. I’m not going to forget what Cyclocross is to me. It’s fun, it’s exciting, it’s challenging. But at the end of the day it’s my off season. It’s my time to race, train for how I feel and when I feel like it. If I’m this tired now, I don’t want to imagine what summer will like if I don’t take it easy now.  That’s all for now, hope everyone had/is having a wonderful Holidays. 

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