Monday, February 29, 2016

Coaching Advisor

One of the most common issues people who train and/or race in endurance sports is they would get a  coach, but why waste the money. They already know about training science and beyond that they enjoy learning about the latest science and tracking their own training. But you can tell they don't have total confidence in what they are doing.

And how could they! Even the smartest, best coaches often have their own coach. Why? Because one of biggest benefits a coach gives you is perspective. Everyone needs someone on the outside looking in, help you make decision and giving you confidence in what the training plan says, helping you make adjustments when needed, and giving you the motivation and accountability when the training gets tough.

Thats why I started offering the Coaching Adviser Plan. The coaching adviser plan gives you access to someone to bounce ideas off, to give you a gut check when things seem off, and the help you get back on track when things need adjustments. It isn't full coaching, there isn't someone watching your every step. This plan relies on you to provide the day to day monitoring, making the small decisions that have become second nature at this point to you. But when things get difficult or you just don't have the time, I'm there to keep you training on track.

  • Premium TrainingPeaks Account, with online data storage, analysis, and daily workout instructions sent directly to your email
  • Full Annual Training Plan using periodization techniques. Firm but flexible plan.
  • Testing and analysis to drive training intensity and targets.
  • Data Analysis to monitor training
  • Communication every 2 weeks via email or phone.
  • No minimum commitment.
  • $75 a month, $50 startup fee.
These plans are more customized to fit what you need. Don't have time for calls? No problem. Need email reminders once in a while, I can do that. But what everyone get is the confidence that nothing is left out, and that the plan is sound.

If you interested we'll start by identifying what it is that your training is missing and write up a plan that gives you what you need, nothing you don't and that you only pay for that.

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