As a coach, I am usually the person, or type of person, that
someone comes to when they decide they want to start training more seriously.
So I see a lot of people who are considering taking the step deeper into the
world of cycling and all the factors that go into that choice. I’ve seen people
decide to train seriously, and I’ve seen people who’ve decided that the serious
training just isn’t for them. Obviously as a coach I believe that the best way
to train is scientifically, but I also see the challenges. What I’d like to do
in this piece is to make my case for scientific training, in the way that an
academic might. What is the difference between training seriously and
scientifically? What are the benefits of training scientifically, what are the
problems and how do you deal with them? What role does the coach play and what
role does the athlete play? Why a person might chose to train scientifically,
and why might someone choose to avoid it?